Zaryadnoe Ustrojstvo Kedr Avto 12v Instrukciya Po Primeneniyu

About us Organization for Aid to Refugees (OPU) was established in 1991 in Prague as a non-profit, non-governmental, humanitarian organization. Since 2014, OPU has been an association under the Civil Code. OPU has been helping refugees and foreigners in the Czech Republic for 25 years. OPU’s main activities include providing free legal and social counselling to applicants for international protection and to other foreigners in the Czech Republic, organizing training programmes for both professionals and the general public, and other activities aimed at promoting integration of foreigners.
Daily 2018-12-07T15:34:09+03:00.
One of the OPU’s goals is to fight against xenophobia and racial and ethnic intolerance. Watch a video about OPU made by Saša Dlouhý.
Our line of vision on architectural structures is limited to either facades or interior based on where we are observing it from. This limited perspective usually lacks hints on overall complexity of the building and it usually is impossible for us to visualize the contexture as a whole. Photogrammetry enables the buildings to be fully scanned in 3 dimensions with true scale both from inside and outside.

Texture of the model being generated from photographs, overall model presents documental value. Hotels are rich in spatial variety: Along with the residential elements such as bedrooms, living rooms, restrooms and kitchens, hotels also contain lobbies, bars, cafes, restaurants, fitness courts, spas, meeting rooms and exhibition spaces therefore it reflects visual complexity. Oddviz documents and presents Sofa Hotel with complete interior detail in their work 'Hotel'. Nearly 10,000 photos have been taken, processed and arranged according to the architectural plan. Final model is then visualized as sections of it are being removed during a video resembling medical imaging practices.
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This way, interior becomes observable with an optically impossible perspective.