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Ask locals to describe what they love about İstanbul and they’ll shrug, give a small smile and say merely that there is no other place like it. Spend a few days here, and you’ll know exactly what they mean. • uncover the secrets of the seraglio in the opulent Topkapı Palace • maps • marvel at the interior of one of the world’s truly great buildings at Aya Sofya • transport • surrender to the steam at a hamam • restaurants & accommodation Coverage includes: History, Sights, Activities, Tours, Festivals & Events, Sleeping, Eating, Drinking & Nightlife, Entertainment, Shopping, Around İstanbul, Sleeping & Eating, Sights & Activities, Sleeping & Eating.
You are viewing a Country Guide What is a Country Guide? Packed with detailed pre-planning information, amazing experiences, inspirational images, city walks and the best local knowledge, these are our most comprehensive country guides, designed to immerse you in a culture, discover the best sights and get off the beaten track.
• Planning features and itineraries give you the freedom to create your ideal trip • Expert authors uncover local secrets and hidden gems to make your visit unique • Includes comprehensive colour maps of even the smallest towns • Detailed listings on everything from top sights and activities to eating, shopping, nightlife and accommodation.