Tri Devici I Carj Tekst Scenki

V etix sluchayax spektakl poluchal bolee demokraticheskiy xarakter. Mi sideli, kak v lozhe, na podokonnike, vnizu zhe sbegalis k Petrushke dvorniki, prikazchiki lavok, a vse okna unizivalis golovami gornichnix i kuxarok. Veroyatno, i tekst bil zdes prinorovlen dlya bolee nizmennix vkusov. Use the text of Act I to find examples of the literary devices below. Quote the examples using proper notation (quotation marks, Act, scene, and line numbers). Then, explain the effect of the use of the device in the example. Use your own paper.
Equipment Needed for Crime Scene Investigation • Essential items: • • • Optional items: •. Essential items for first responding officers. Must have the following items readily available. Officers may want to consider keeping them in police vehicles: •. • Consent/search forms. • Crime scene barricade tape. • First-aid kit.
• Flashlight and extra batteries. • Markers (e.g, business cards, chalk, spray paint or some other marker to place by noted evidence items). • Paper bags. • (e.g., gloves, booties, hair covering, overalls and mask).
Essential items for crime scene personnel. Responding crime scene officer(s) must have the following items readily available. Officers should keep them in police vehicles or readily available toolkits. • Bindle paper. • Biohazard bags. • Bodily fluid collection kit (sterile swabs, distilled water, — optional, and sterile packaging that allows the swabs to air dry).
• Camera (plus memory cards, back up battery, remote flash, tripod and remote cord). • Evidence seals/tape. • Flashlight(s) with extra batteries. • Footwear casting materials. • Graph paper and pencils, small ruler or straight edge. • Measuring devices (e.g, measuring wheel, tape measures of varying lengths). • Multifunction utility tool.
December 2007. • 'Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms'.: 69.
• Paper bags (various sizes). • Permanent markers.
• Personal protective equipment (e.g., gloves, booties, hair covering, overalls and mask). • Plastic resealable bags (various sizes) • Scales for photography. • Spray paint, chalk, etc. • Syringe/knife tubes. • Tweezers(disposable).
Optional items. Officers may need to use other items, and may wish to have them readily available in their police vehicle. These items include: • Audio recorder. • Biohazard labels.
• Bloodstain pattern examination kit. • Business cards. • Backup camera. • Chemical enhancement supplies. • Cutting instruments (knives, box cutter, scalpel, scissors). • Directional marker/compass.
• Disinfectant. • Distilled water. • Entomology (insect) collection kit.
• Evidence collection containers (e.g., jars, paper bags, resealable plastic bags, metal paint style cans). • Evidence seals/tape. • Extension cords. • Fingerprint ink pad and pint cards for elimination prints. • Flags (surveyor type) for marking evidence and setting up search patterns. • Forensic light source (, UV lamp/laser, goggles).
• Gunshot residue kit. • High-intensity lights. • Laser trajectory kit. • Magnifying glass. • Marker stickers such as numbers, letters, arrows, scales. • Marking paint/snow wax.

• Metal detector. • Nail clippers and orange peeler (for collecting debris under suspect fingernails). • Phone listing (important numbers). • Pocket knife. • Presumptive blood test supplies.
• Privacy screens. • Protrusion rod set. • Razor blades or knife (knife must have blades that can be broken off after each use). • Reflective vest.
• Refrigeration or cooling unit. • Respirators with filters. • Roll of string.
• Rubber bands. • Screen sifters. • Sexual assault evidence collection kit (for victim and suspect). • Shoe print lifting equipment.