Shejrhoi Mirzo Tursunzoda Dust

Mirzo Ulugbek was created in 1981.
Photo Mirzo Tursunzoda (Poet) Tajik national poet and the hero – Mirzo Tursunzoda, born 19 april 1911 in the village of Karatag, Regar district, Republic of Tajikistan in the family of a blacksmith. Mirzo Tursunzoda in the development of the culture of the Tajik people put a tremendous contribution. At one time he was a favorite of the people, and especially women. His name was on the top of political and cultural events. Considering the contribution invested Tursunzoda, modern Tajikistan gave him the status of Hero of the Tajik people, called the national banknote 1 somoni in his honor. Along with this is also the name of his native land was renamed in honor of the poet (Tursunzoda district). Young people and old people very well know and remember verses Tursunzade under the name “Johni Shirin in Kadar Jangam makun” repeating the words that they said something Tajik.
Pamyatnaki Tursunzade found in several cities and regions of the country and in his honor called avenues and streets of the capital and some cities of Tajikistan. There is a museum named after Mirzo Tursunzade in Dushanbe and in the native village of the poet. Video of Mirzo Tursunzade Mirzo Tursunzoda during his lifetime became a classic. His works have been translated into dozens of languages, critics gave flattering assessment, but the people sang the lines of his love lyrics. “I met a girl, crescent eyebrows, a mole on the cheek, and his eyes – love” – perhaps not only in Tajikistan, but throughout the Soviet Union, this song was known and loved. However, many are not even aware that these lines belong Mirzo Tursunzodaade: poems were so sincere, warm light that seemed composed of people.
Mirzo Tursunzoda Biography: The poet was born in an ordinary, poor family artisan – woodcarver; like the other boys from his native village, he helped his father, was playing in the dusty streets of his native village. His father was a hard fate: he worked in the field, when there was a terrible earthquake that killed his wife and five children. He remarried and had a son – Mirzo. Many years later, the Mirzo, while still a boy, too, knows the bitterness of loss. His father was sent to Samarkand – carved work on the palace gate, and his mother died of the disease.
Away from home, the father (Tursun) saw a terrible dream about your family and the next morning, he decided to return to her son, but the work was not yet over and it would not be allowed to go home, my father decided to flee from Samarkand. Sleep proved prophetic: after returning to his native Karatag, he learns of the death of the wife, and his young son finds a stranger in the family After the return of the father immediately gave Mirzo in school at the local mosque. Xpadder5 3 emulyator dzhojstika rusifikator. “The bones – our meat – your” – giving the children to school, then all parents uttered this phrase.
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