Shablon Awp Ksgo

Contents [] Overview The Accuracy International Arctic Warfare series is a series of sniper rifles manufactured by Accuracy International of United Kingdom. The Arctic Warfare Police is the law enforcement variant of the series, commonly chambered for 7.62×51mm NATO. The Magnum Sniper Rifle depicted in Counter-Strike is based on the Arctic Warfare Magnum, chambered for.338 Lapua Magnum. The AWP in Global Offensive is based off the original Arctic Warfare. In-game, the AWP is a high-powered bolt-action sniper rifle available to both teams, with a 10-round magazine capacity. The AWP is not available for the to purchase in.
They can, however, get them from fallen Terrorists. It is a devastatingly powerful long-range weapon, with extreme accuracy and obscene stopping power. However, its high price tag and cumbersome playstyle requires massive amounts of training, practice, accuracy and experience to master its usage. When not scoped in, the rifle is very inaccurate and has no crosshair to assist aiming. The scope can be used with secondary fire, and pressing secondary fire again while scoped in zooms in the scope. The player's movement speed is reduced while scoped in.
AWP Skin Mods for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO).
Firing the weapon causes the player to leave the scope temporarily to operate the bolt before automatically scoping in again. The player will leave the scope if they use secondary fire again at the higher zoom setting or switches weapons. When zoomed in and not moving, the rifle has a near-perfect accuracy, able to hit anything as long as the crosshair of the scope is on target. Moving drastically reduces accuracy, and even more so with jumping. It boasts an exceedingly high damage value, and is a source of much of its infamy. It is able to one-shot kill enemies with one hit to anywhere bar the legs, regardless of. The is the only player character who can survive a single body shot from the AWP because his armor can absorb 200 damage.
However, a can still kill the VIP instantly. It also has a very high penetration power, and its high base damage makes it a solid weapon for wallbanging. However, where the AWP excels in accuracy and power, it suffers in general handling. The weapon has terrible accuracy when not using the scope or firing while moving, so the user must be aiming down sights AND immobile at all times to remain competitive. Because the weapon is bolt-action, it also results in a very low rate of fire.
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The AWP slows players down considerably, particularly in Global Offensive, making it unwieldy at closer ranges. It is also less accurate if fired right after cycling the bolt in Source and Global Offensive, and has a moderately long reload time in these games.