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WWW.ROSKINC.COM for more info on aux install, purchase or reviews on stuff i do to my e60 filmed a video on how to code in AUX in the Idrive for the E60 5 series BMW (should apply to most BMW coding on other series). Step by step on using NCS expert to add +NAUX to the VO vehicle order and mounting the AUX to the CCC (or m.ask) module.
Coding necessary for auxiliary cable to function. Gammi dlya fortepiano nikolaev. Revtor's NCS Expert Profile is the profile i used to code the module.
Torrent tangerine setki full. Profile can be downloaded by searching Google. BMW coding cable can be purchased on eBay, and usually comes with all the necessary programs to install on your computer.
Please like the video if it was helpful to you and post suggestions for other videos you would like to see me do a DIY on. Email me at for interest in a AUX cable for yourself. Some of the names i couldn't pronounce when changing jobs: CODIERDATEN_LESEN (when reading the module) SG_CODIEREN (when writting module) when editing change: AUX_CONFIG not_mounted to: AUX_CONFIG mounted.
BMW + The north face were at the CES 2019 (Vegas) and in true fashion showcased a rather futuristic looking camper. It wasn’t just the futuristic design of this that caught eye but the show case itself was actually a VR experience!
Source: BMW Designworks The campers “dome” structure was inspired mainly by BMW gina light visionary model concept car from 2008. Internally its equipped with all you need for a basic night (Bed + Internal shelving) Source: BMW Designworks The camper is designed with “Futurelight” fabric, this provides protection for his dome shell but also incorporates nano sized holes. The holes allow air to pass through to provide good ventilation but still keeps it water prove! Well done BMW + The North Face paving the way for futuristic and clever design. Recall Information BMW have just issued an urgent recall of more than 1 million cars and SUVs across the US, due to risk of FIRE under the bonnet. The recall is so major that BMW are recommending people with the affected models are to park them outside and away from extra fire hazards such as large trees / other cars. The two separate recalls BMW state the risk of fire is “very low” (are we to believe them?), but the cars should stay outside due to “caution”.
The repairs to fix the issue are expected to start on December 18th. The first voluntary recall is going to affect only certain BMW 3 Series models from year 2006 to 2011, the company said in a statement released on the matter. So what is the issue? The issue is caused by potentially faulty wiring of the climate control / heater blower fan In the second but related recall will address a problem with a heater valve in certain BMW models between the years 2007-2011 equipped with a 6-cylinder engine.
Affected Model range: • Model Years 2006-2011 • 323i, 325i, 325xi, 328i, 328xi, 330i, 330xi, 335i, 335xi and M3 • Model Years 2007-2011 • 328i, 328xi, 328i xDrive, 525i, 525xi, 528i, 528xi, 530i, 530xi, X3 3.0si, X3 xDrive30i, X5 xDrive30i, Z4 3.0i, Z4 3.0si, Z4 sDrive30i, 335i xDrive and 335is • Model Years 2008-2011 • 128i • Model Years 2009-2011 • 335d. One of the main features that everyone would like to do on the E46 convertible is to be able to “remote roof” Note: Im assuming you have INPA setup and connected fine, if not dont even try this. The is two settings you need to change for this, they are both located in the GM5 module: • KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB (Comfort closingwith remote – power windows, sunroof or convertible top) • KOMFORTOEFFNUNG_FB (Comfort opening with remote – power windows, sunroof or convertible top) These both need to be set to aktiv (active) Code them both.
Job done test it out! Stumbled across a story which featured an example of how the modern day BMW’s are now, due to the “smart” connected technology actually helping with car crime!