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Selamat Datang Selamat datang di The476ks - saya senang Anda berada di sini, dan berharap Anda sering datang kembali. Silakan berselancar di sini dan membaca lebih lanjut tentang artikel dunia hacking,crakking,software, news, cheat Point blank, ninja saga, dan lainnya semua ada disini. Ada banyak hal tentang kami, Anda mungkin akan menemukan sesuatu yang menarik.
Sepintas Tentang Admin Nama saya De Young Fand, saya yang membentuk blog ini yaitu the476ks yang nama lahir dari nama kota saya tinggal. Saya seorang designer, blogger, teknisi, gammer.
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The low audio signal from the channel 2 can be due to failure in one of the sections from the pre amp to the processing section of the audio. Now this can be confirmed only with a good signal check on the circuit, the trace of the signal path. A use of a oscilloscope is required so as to confirm the failure of the suspected section. A audio signal injection will also help to trace and confirm. Also a comparative study with the working channel will be needed to keep the channels in unison. So a good technical support and knowledge is needed to trace and confirm this faulty section. Answered on Feb 02, 2011.
Error-09 is 'thread/unthread motor time out'. Something is preventing the threading mechanism from moving or completing its travel when the deck tries to thread the tape. Look at the tape guide arms - the rollers in the arms sometimes work loose and drop out, preventing the arms from moving, resulting in this error code. 14 FAN MOTOR TROUBLE The operation of the fan motor is defective. Detected according to the period of a ripple noise at the fan motor terminal.
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08 DRUM TROUBLE It is detected that drum motor rotation is not normal, and then tape protection is done. Detected when the drum speed obtained from the speed FG of the drum motor is less than the specified value. OK, there is what your errors mean, I have searched for a service manual, but couldn't find any. Pay for SM above. Answered on Jun 01, 2010.