Ebcs 10 Electrical Installation Of Buildingspdf
The importance of a good, safe residential wiring job is sometimes taken too lightly. Skin metro fsd 3 rev 775 1. Poorly installed wiring can be very hazardous to the owner or renter as well as to his personal property. A good and safe wiring installation will be a source of satisfaction not only to the electrician, but to the owner or renter as well.
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Electricity is too often taken as a matter-of-fact item when, in fact, it is one of our most important servants. We use it without giving it a second thought, and we are inclined to completely ignore the wiring installation as long as the lights come on when we push a switch. Today, nearly everything around and in the home depends on electricity. This includes housekeeping chores, entertainment, hobbies, heating, cooling and the list is endless. The average person spends the major portion of his time in his home. Worldly goods are there; his loved ones are there, so every precaution should be taken to ensure that safe and adequate electrical wiring is installed.
Planning for the future growth of electrical usage should also be done. This will involve only a small amount of extra money if done during construction, but if the customer should later find the wiring inadequate for his needs, then many dollars will be required to bring it up to date. This can be seen from the tremendous increase in electrical consumption since 1928, when only one or two branch circuits were adequate. In the home of today, twenty or more circuits are not uncommon. Electrical usage has far exceeded the predictions of the electric utility companies.
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