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GEM Calculator is a superior conductive material that solves your toughest grounding problems by reducing earth resistance and impedance measurements. It is the ideal material to use in areas of poor conductivity, such as rocky ground, mountain tops and sandy soil. To assist in estimating the amount of GEM required for installations, nVent is proud to offer our free web-based GEM Calculator. The latest release of the nVent ERICO GEM Calculator features: • Estimated system resistance values for basic grounding system designs including GEM • Designs for single ground rods, multiple ground rods as well as for bare conductor • Intuitive, easy-to-use design • Useful tips and help information provide additional assistance during the design process. GEM Calculator Feature Comparison Basic Professional Calculate number of bags of GEM required Yes Yes Estimate system resistance with GEM Yes Yes Allow metric or imperial Yes Yes Select couplers and ground rods Yes Yes Create GEM System design diagrams Yes Yes Organize GEM System Designs into projects - Yes Save, edit, and copy GEM System Designs - Yes Print Design Documents and aggregated Material Lists - Yes Registration required * - Yes * We ask for your e-mail, name, and company so that you may securely save, organize, and edit your GEM System Designs.
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We respect your privacy: view our. Grounding System Evaluations For more complex grounding system designs, Pentair can evaluate a proposed grounding design and estimate the amount of GEM needed for the installation. Our Applications Engineering team uses an integrated grounding system analysis program called WinIGS for these evaluations.